

| 12-24 | 发布者:


Notice of Tax Matter

                                              编号 Serial number:


根据我们掌握的资料(信息),你于       月至       月因       (事项)在      (地点)取得应当在中国申报纳税的收入        元。请你或你的代理人于             日前就以上收入向中国        省(市)         市(区)        国家税务局(地方税务局)进行纳税申报或做出必要说明。

    如果你拒绝与中国税务机关合作,中国税务机关将按照《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》第六十二条、六十三条的规定对你进行处罚,并根据《中华人民共和国政府与      国政府关于对所得避免双重征税和防止偷漏税的协定》(或安排)的规定,将你未按中国法律规定履行纳税义务的情况通知       (国家或地区)税务主管当局。

In accordance with the information concerning your tax matters, it is ascertained that you received an income of RMB    (from     y/m/d to    y/m/d) for    activityin_____                            (place).  The income is taxable in China. Therefore, you are notified to file your tax return or give explanations thereupon to the responsible tax office_______________ (name of tax office) prior to           ___   (y/m/d).

Your failure of the notified cooperation may result in penalty on you as stipulated in the “Tax Collection and Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China” and the information may be communicated to the tax competent authority of _______ (name of State) pursuant to the “Agreement between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the          for the Avoidance of the Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income”.

联系单位:中国    省(市)    市(区)         国家税务局(地方税务局)    

Responsible tax office:

联系人 (Contact)

联系电话 (Tel )                              传真 (Fax ) 

地址 (Add )                                 邮政编码 (Post Code ) 


(Stamp of Tax Office)



* This notice is in duplicate with one copy kept by the responsible tax office and the other sent to the notified party.

